Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kodiak 4

We hung around town yesterday. We went to the ferry office to see if we could change our tickets to Wednesday's ferry since the fishing and tour boats were grounded due to weather.

We stopped in at the Alutiiq Museum to buy two Alutiiq dolls I had seen a few days ago. Thy were made by Coral Chernoff, Alutiiq of Kodiak. The doll on the left has a seal gut parka and fishskin boots. The doll on the right has felt clothes with fur trim and is carrying a clam bucket. Coral carved the heads of both out of driftwood in the style of tradtional play dolls that are int the museum. She also made sample dolls and other traditional toystoys for kids to play with in the corner of the museum.

The interior of the russian Orthodox Church, Kodiak--I sent pictures of the exterior a day or so ago.

Moss growing on the trees out near Ft. Abercrombie. Most of Kodiak is a rainforest.

Rocks below Miller Point at Ft. Abercrombie.

The WWII bunker at Ft. Abercrombie which is a military museum. There are military remains all over Miller Point and also out Chiniak Highway where we wer a couple of days ago.

We went back to the ferry to get on the stand-by list. The ferry is delayed 12 hours, so it leaves Thursday AM instead of tonight. Our chances are slim, since our RV is so big. It also looks as if our Friday ferry will be delayed, as this boat has to come back for us.

So we are just hanging out at the great cafe and internet spot we have found.

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